X-Over the every day bag

July 10, 2024
1 min

X-Over the every day bag.

The name says it all, X-Over is the ideal bag for daily use. You carry the bag on 1 shoulder it therefore carries just like a handbag.

In addition, the bag is extremely safe, a large pocket on the back always safely hidden your id papers phone or postage against your back. Always a safe feeling that no one can reach here, if it gets busy then turn the bag in 1 hand movement under your arm forward.

But of course the X-Over is also your ideal partner when you go hiking or on vacation. Because the bag has only one strap, airlines see it as a handbag and not as a luggage bag. So you can take the X-Over into the cabin next to your trolley.

Also, the X-Over is the ideal sports bag, our sportline bags are tailored per sport. And because of their unique carrying system you have the maximum balance and complete freedom. But still your important and daily stuff with you, ideal for a long walk, bike ride. But also if you do climbing, cycling, mountain biking, horseback riding or sub boarding.

Ruud, Siska & Björn Klaver